One Quick Tip to Be a Better Artist

Want to be a better artist? This one easy thing can improve your skills greatly! Now, there are many great tips to make artists better at their craft. This article doesn’t claim to have all of the answers, but this one skill can improve your skills in painting, sculpture, sketching and more. This skill, although…..

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Jerrys Blog Squad -- 09/08/2014

5 Ways to Improve Your Drawing Skills

Try these Tips When Putting Pencil to Paper Have you ever wanted to learn to draw better? Get bogged down hitting the same roadblocks over and over again? Think only repetitive practice makes perfect?  Guess again! While it is true that practice will make you a better drawer or sketcher, these 5 simple tricks will…..

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Jerry's -- 08/07/2014

What is Underpainting in Oil Painting?

Underpainting with Oils: Why You Need to Do It Sometimes when starting a new oil painting, nothing can be more intimidating than a big white blank canvas staring you down. Each paint squeezed out on your palette looking more vibrant, vivid and intimidating. If you’re the type of person who see’s that blank canvas and…..

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Jerrys Blog Squad -- 24/06/2014

5 Mistakes New Artists Need to Stop Making

A Quick List to Help You on Your Way Many new painters will often make the same mistakes over and over again when they are starting out, often not knowing that they are even making them. While mistakes are definitely okay and should be expected when starting out; correcting those mistakes can become the first…..

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Jerry's -- 10/06/2014

Practice Drawing with Gesture Motion Drawing

This Handy Exercise will Teach you how to Capture Motion and Perspective Just as an athlete must warm up before a sporting event, art journaling is the artist’s warm up. A great way to stretch out your perspective and focus is through the art of “Gesture Drawing.” A Gesture Drawing is typically defined as a…..

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Jerrys Blog Squad -- 17/05/2014

Are Grey Toned Palettes Better For Art?

What’s the Buzz- Find out why so many people are making the switch to Grey Palettes Answer: Grey Toned Palettes are better for seeing color – See colors more accurately – Grey surface does not reflect light Why? The way a color appears on stark white is extremely different from how it appears on a…..

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Jerry's -- 13/03/2014

Impasto Painting: Exploring the Masters Techniques

Which Masters Used Impasto Style and How You Can Too Impasto painting is a technique used in painting where paint is laid on thickly to give a painting texture and an almost 3D effect. It can be accomplished with paints such as acrylic, oil, or gouache as well as painting knives and of course the…..

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Jerry's -- 04/03/2014

What are the different styles of brushes for art?

A Handy Guide to Painting How you Want, Learn Your Brushes! Obviously, there wouldn’t be different types of brush strokes if there weren’t different styles of brushes. But how many of us really understand what using different styles of brushes does for our painting? How many of us can accurately describe what kind a stroke…..

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Jerry's -- 25/02/2014

Oil Painting Tips for Beginners

5 Pro Tips for the Beginning Oil Painter Oil Painting can be quite tricky, especially for beginners. But with the right knowledge and the perfect paint and mediums, oil painting can be an amazing experience and you might find it better than using acrylics. With the right paints and these oil painting tips, you’ll be…..

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Jerry's -- 22/02/2014

Which Ampersand Panel is Right for Your Art?

Why Trust Your Art to Anything Less? For a surface that will accommodate mixed media better than others, Ampersand’s panels can handle any job! Ampersand Panels are perfect for everything from encaustic paints and collage to oil and water-miscable paints, inks, graphite, colored pencils, casesin and even egg tempera. You name it, Ampersand can take…..

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Jerrys Blog Squad -- 20/02/2014

Painting With Acrylics : 5 Tips for Beginners

These Quick Tips Can Save Your Paint and Help You Get Better Painting with Acrylics Painting with acrylics is a great way to get introduced to painting and has many benefits. These paints are easy to use, spread evenly, and dry quickly. There are some tricks that can help preserve your paints and make your…..

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Jerry's -- 01/02/2014

9 Reasons Concept Markers Will Change the Way You Draw

Experience a whole new way to scribble, sketch and draw that we’re sure you’ll love. Concept Dual Tip Art Markers are all new markers revolutionizing the market with dual tips and great color delivery. Presenting 9 reasons why you should get a set right now.  1. They have dual marker tips on each end that…..

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Jerry's -- 30/01/2014

Can You Speak like an Artist?

A Dictionary for the Struggling Art Viewer Have you ever been looking at an art exhibit when the label catches your eye? You see the title of the piece, author, medium and then a description of the piece. Often the description of the piece will read something like this:  “Above the artist expresses the banality…..

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Jerry's -- 12/11/2013

The Rule of Thirds To Help With Painting or Drawing

This Simple Trick Will Help Your Painting or Drawing Immensely To master a skill, we must learn the basics. When it comes to art composition, it can serve us well to become deeply familiar with basics such as the color wheel, negative spaces, painting rhythms, and the Rule of Thirds. Once you begin adhering to…..

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Jerry's -- 19/10/2013

How to Pronounce Gouache

Gouache, did I say that right? What Is It? If you’ve never heard of it, Gouache (pronounced gwaash) is the slightly misunderstood paint that essentially works as an opaque watercolor. It’s made of ground pigments and binders (such as gum arabic, ox gall, and preservatives), giving it velvety opaque, brilliant color– but what makes it opaque…..

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Jerry's -- 18/09/2013